Create a new cross-border settlement configuration

Create a new cross-border settlement configuration.
Configurations define the default assets, on-ramps, and off-ramps to use for the cross-border settlement.

A configuration must contain at least two steps - ON_RAMP and VAULT_ACCOUNT.

All other steps (e.g., OFF_RAMP, FIAT_DESTINATION, etc.) are optional.

Every step must include the accountId to be used, while inputAssetId and outputAssetId are optional.
If those are not provided, a default value will be used from the Corridor Settings.

If the inputAssetId or the outputAssetId is provided for one of the objects, all assets in the objects must be consistent. For example, if the output asset of ON_RAMP is XLM_USDC_5F3T, then the input asset of the VAULT_ACCOUNT must also be XLM_USDC_5F3T..

You can set a slippage amount for your configuration. Slippage is defined by basis points (bps). This value can be overloaded on execution. If you do not configure a slippage amount, the default slippage of 10000 bps (10%) is used.

Note: The reference content in this section documents the Payments Engine endpoint. The Payments Engine endpoint includes APIs available only for customers with the Payments Engine enabled on their accounts.
These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
If you want to learn more about the Fireblocks Payments Engine, please contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [email protected].
