Updates to raw signing API objects

  • For customers who use the Fireblocks EU cloud environment, the rawTx parameter is not included in the CallbackResponse object.

New webhook events and objects

New API endpoints for cross-border settlements

On June 5, 2023, the new cross-border settlement API endpoints allow you to configure and execute cross-border settlements.

Added NFT webhook examples

Updated webhook endpoints

Edited ExchangeType data object

  • ExchangeType data object
    • Added the KRAKENINTL value
    • Removed the FTX value due to the FTX integration being deprecated
    • Added a note to the object clarifying that the BINANCEUS and KRAKENINTL values should be used only by their respective customers

Updated API Co-Signer & API Co-Signer Callback pages

  • API Reference > Resources > API Co-Signer
    • Moved the Automated Callback Signer content to API Reference > Webhooks & Notifications > API Co-Signer Callback to align the callback with similar content
      • Also changed the page's name from Automated Callback Signer to API Co-Signer Callback to help clarify its relationship to the API Co-Signer
    • Updated the API Co-Signer page with links to the Help Center's API Co-Signer section and to the Callback Handler structure

Updated Data Objects pages

Updated Data Objects & Transaction Statuses

We updated the following API Reference pages:


New API for traversal of all asset wallets in limited availability

On May 9th, 2023, the new API GET /v1/vault/asset_wallets provides a fast traversal of all of your account balances.