Raw Signing Objects


messagesarray of UnsignedRawMessage objectsThe messages that should be signed
algorithmstring[optional] The algorithm which will be used to sign the transaction, one of the SigningAlgorithms


contentstring/objectThe content that was sent to be signed.

For RAW signing - the message for signing (hex-formatted).

For EIP712 Typed Message signing - the object (payload) for signing.
algorithmstringThe algorithm that was used for signing, one of the SigningAlgorithms
derivationPathArray of numbersBIP32 derivation path of the signing key. E.g. [44,0,46,0,0]
signaturedictionaryThe message signature
publicKeystringThe signature's public key is used for verification.


contentstringThe message to be signed in hex format encoding
bip44AddressIndexnumber[optional] BIP44 address_index path level
bip44changenumber[optional] BIP44 change path level
The 2 fields above complement the derivation path given the source id and asset were provided in the transaction body request.
In case none of the above was provided, please specify the derivation path.
derivationPatharray of numbers[optional] Should be passed only if asset and source were not specified
typestring[optional] Should be passed only if operation is TYPED_MESSAGE. Possible values are:

- EIP191: for ETH/EVM personal messages
- EIP712: For ETH/EVM typed messages
- TIP191: For TRX personal messages
- BTC_MESSAGE: For BTC personal messages
preHashPreHash object An object to send when creating ECDSA Raw signing requests.


contentstringThe pre-hashed content in hexadecimal representation.
hashAlgorithmstringThe hashing algorithm to apply to the provided content.
Possible values:

- SHA256
- SHA3