Estimate transaction fee

Estimates the transaction fee for a transaction request.


-Supports all Fireblocks assets except ZCash (ZEC).

-For XEM and Chiliz assets, 0 will be returned for all three fee levels, as there is no gas or tip price on these blockchains. You can use the POST /v1/transactions/estimate_fee to see what the exact fee will be for a transaction on this network.


  • Supports all Fireblocks assets except ZCash (ZEC).
  • The NEM blockchain (XEM) has fixed transaction fees, so all three estimated fee levels return 0.

Gas multiplier

To prevent stuck transactions, Fireblocks applies a fixed multiplier to the gasLimit parameter for certain transaction types. The multiplier only affects EVM transactions in the following circumstances:

  • All non-base asset token transfers to or from any account are 1.2x the estimated fee.
  • All contract calls to or from any account are 1.6x the estimated fee.
  • All transfers to an exchange account from any account are 2.6x the estimated fee.
  • All transfers to an external whitelisted address from any account are 1.2x the estimated fee.