Explore Use Cases

What can you build with Fireblocks?

Virtually anything! Fireblocks supports a range of use cases, from centralizing treasury management to building a fintech application. Here are some of the use cases we support:

  • NFT Marketplaces and Platforms
  • Treasury Management
  • Digital Asset Custody
  • CeFi and DeFi Trading
  • Cross Border Payments
  • Web3 Gaming
  • Tokenization
  • Staking
  • Smart Contract Security and Management
  • Wallets for Retail Applications

What types of businesses are built on Fireblocks?

Fireblocks enables your business to access the digital asset ecosystem quickly and securely. From Web3 to financial services, almost every type of business is building on Fireblocks.

Financial InstitutionsBanks, Hedge Funds, Asset Managers, Lending Desks, OTC Desks, Prime Brokers, Market Makers, Family Offices
Web3 CompaniesNFT Marketplaces, DAOs, DeFi Protocols, GameFi, Web3 Infrastructure Providers, Protocol Foundations, and B2B Web3 Services
Retail ServicesExchanges, Corporates, Fintechs, Neobanks, Challenger Banks, Investment Platforms
B2B ServicesPayment Service Providers, Banking-as-a-Service Providers

Fireblocks Feature Landscape