Create API Keys


Please make sure to read the Manage API Access guide before running the examples below


Creating and Listing API Keys or Console Users is allowed to API Keys with Admin/NonSigningAdmin roles only.

Creating API Keys via the Fireblocks API can be done by using the Create API Key API endpoint.
The endpoint requires sending a request body including multiple parameters:

  1. role - controls the API Key permissions. API Key roles are the same as user roles and you can read more about these in the following guide
  2. name - the label for the API Key
  3. csrPem - the CSR file required for authentication as described in the following guide
  4. coSignerSetupType - if the user has SIGNER or ADMIN roles, you can connect it to a Co-Signer for a fully automated signature process. Learn more about API Co-Signer in the following guide. Available options are:
    1. SGX_MACHINE - for SGX enabled servers
    2. FIREBLOCKS_CCMT - for the Fireblocks Communal Co-Signer (available in testnet workspaces only)
    3. NITRO_MACHINE - for AWS Nitro enabled servers
  5. coSignerSetupIsFirstUser - should be set to true if the coSignerSetupType is SGX_MACHINE and this is going to be the first paired user on this API Co-Signer.

Create API Key via API example:

import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from "@fireblocks/ts-sdk";


// Initialize a Fireblocks API instance with local variables
const fireblocks = new Fireblocks({
    apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
    basePath: BasePath.US, 
    secretKey: readFileSync(FIREBLOCKS_API_SECRET_PATH, "utf8"),

(async() => {
  const csrPem = readFileSync("<path_to_csr_file>", "utf-8")
  try {
    const apiKeyRes = await fireblocks.apiUser.createApiUser({
        role: "ADMIN",
        name: "MyExampleAPIKey",
        coSignerSetupType: "SGX_MACHINE",
        coSignerSetupIsFirstUser: true
   console.log(JSON.stringify(apiKeyRes, null, 2))
  } catch(e){

Get API Keys via API Example:

import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from "@fireblocks/ts-sdk";


// Initialize a Fireblocks API instance with local variables
const fireblocks = new Fireblocks({
    apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
    basePath: BasePath.US, 
    secretKey: readFileSync(FIREBLOCKS_API_SECRET_PATH, "utf8"),

(async() => {
  try {

    const apiKeys = await fireblocks.apiUser.getApiUsers()
    console.log(JSON.stringify(apiKeys, null, 2))

  } catch(e){