

This article includes a list of substatuses related to primary transaction statuses. Substatuses typically add clarification to primary statuses, such as a transaction failing due to incorrect user input. Some primary statuses do not have any substatuses.

Transaction statuses are displayed in the Transaction History and the Recent Activity panel in the Fireblocks Console. You can hover over the status in the Recent Activity panel to see the substatus and additional details.

Transaction substatuses

PENDING_3RD_PARTY substatuses

Status CodeDescription
3RD_PARTY_PROCESSINGThe transaction is awaiting approval by a third-party service, such as an exchange.
3RD_PARTY_PENDING_SERVICE_MANUAL_APPROVALFireblocks is waiting for the third-party service to manually approve this transaction.
PENDING_3RD_PARTY_MANUAL_APPROVALThe third-party service is waiting for a customer’s approval typically via email or the exchange's app.

CONFIRMING substatuses

Status CodeDescription
3RD_PARTY_CONFIRMINGThe transaction is awaiting confirmation by a third-party service, such as an exchange.
PENDING_BLOCKCHAIN_CONFIRMATIONSThe transaction is awaiting confirmation on the blockchain.

COMPLETED substatuses

Status CodeDescription
3RD_PARTY_COMPLETEDThe transaction was completed on a third-party service, such as an exchange.
COMPLETED_BUT_3RD_PARTY_FAILEDThe transaction was completed on the blockchain as shown on block explorers but failed on the associated third-party platform. This is often a third-party system error. If the transaction was sent from a vault account in your Fireblocks workspace, the balance will be deducted from the account. If the exchange does not show the transaction in recent history or labels the transaction as failed, contact the exchange with the transaction details.
COMPLETED_BUT_3RD_PARTY_REJECTEDThe transaction was completed on the blockchain as shown on block explorers but rejected by the associated third-party platform. If the transaction was sent from a vault account in your Fireblocks workspace, the balance will be deducted from the account. An exchange may reject a transaction due to a user input error. For example, some exchanges require an account or deposit minimum. Alternatively, the transaction may have been manually canceled on the exchange. If the exchange does not show the transaction in recent history or labels the transaction as failed, contact the exchange with the transaction details.
CONFIRMEDThe transaction reached the required number of confirmations on the blockchain and is recognized by all parties

BLOCKED substatuses

Status CodeDescription
BLOCKED_BY_POLICYThe transaction was blocked from being completed due to a Transaction Authorization Policy (TAP) rule. Transactions that are blocked by the policy include the TAP rule number as it appears in your workspace TAP settings. If you want to allow these transactions, create a new policy rule in a position that allows the transaction to be correctly enforced according to the first-match principle. The BLOCKED_BY_POLICY substatus can also indicate that your transaction was blocked due to the source address being a sanctioned address.

CANCELLED substatuses

Status CodeDescription
3RD_PARTY_CANCELLEDThe transaction was canceled by a third party, such as an exchange.
3RD_PARTY_REJECTEDThe transaction was rejected by a third party, such as an exchange, or not approved in time by the user.
CANCELLED_BY_USERThe transaction was canceled using the Fireblocks Console or the Fireblocks API or by an API Co-Signer.
CANCELLED_BY_USER_REQUESTThe transaction was canceled by a user in your workspace contacting Fireblocks Support.
REJECTED_BY_USERThe transaction was rejected by one of its signers using the Fireblocks mobile app or by an API Co-Signer.

REJECTED substatuses

Status CodeDescription
AUTO_FREEZEThe transaction was frozen automatically by the Transaction Screening Policy. Any associated assets will not be available until an Admin-level user unfreezes them.
FROZEN_MANUALLYThe incoming transaction was frozen manually by a Fireblocks Console user or an API user. Any associated assets will not be available until an Admin-level user unfreezes them.
REJECTED_AML_SCREENINGThe transaction was identified as high-risk by your AML service provider and rejected accordingly. Any associated assets will not be available until an Admin-level user unfreezes them.

FAILED substatuses

User input issues

Status CodeDescription
ACTUAL_FEE_TOO_HIGHThe transaction failed because the specified fee was lower than the current gas price. This issue usually occurs if network transaction fees have increased significantly between submitting and signing the transaction. Set the transaction fee to current rates, and resubmit the transaction.
ADDRESS_WHITELISTING_SUSPENDEDThe outgoing transaction failed because the destination address was whitelisted too recently. This only applies to workspaces with this feature manually enabled. Resubmit the transaction after the whitelisted address is active.
AMOUNT_TOO_SMALLThe transaction failed due to a withdrawal request below the minimum allowed amount. Some blockchains have required minimums for transactions to complete successfully. Alternatively, the transaction fee is higher than the net transfer amount on a gross transaction. Confirm the transfer amount is above the required minimum for this blockchain, or more than the required transaction fees before resubmitting the transaction.
Minimum transfer amounts vary per blockchain.
Known minimums:
Bitcoin (BTC) - 546 satoshi
Cardano (ADA) - 1 ADA + applicable transaction fees
AUTHORIZATION_FAILEDThe API Co-Signer Callback Handler did not correctly approve or sign the transaction. Review your Callback Handler authentication logic or confirm that your Callback Handler and API Co-Signer are correctly configured before resubmitting the transaction.
AUTHORIZER_NOT_FOUNDThe transaction failed because an authorizer was not found for it or because the only available authorizer is the transaction’s initiator. This status occurs if the MPC device setup is not complete for an authorizer or one authorizer in a TAP group. Make sure all authorizers have completed their MPC device setup before resubmitting the transaction.
ENV_UNSUPPORTED_ASSETThe transaction failed because the specified asset is not currently supported in your workspace. This asset may be a testnet asset on a mainnet workspace or vice versa. Confirm the correct asset ID is selected before resubmitting the transaction.
ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TRANSACTION_TYPEThe transaction failed because Fireblocks does not currently support the transaction type for the specified blockchain.
FAIL_ON_LOW_FEEThe transaction failed due to the current blockchain fee being higher than what was specified in the transaction. Set the transaction fee to current rates and resubmit the transaction. If a transaction is likely to be significantly delayed due to a low fee, Fireblocks will fail it. Note that this feature is off by default but can be enabled by Fireblocks Support.
GAS_LIMIT_TOO_LOWThe transaction failed because the gas limit was set below the minimum amount to complete the transaction, causing it to be rejected by the blockchain. Make sure to set all fee parameters to sufficient amounts before resubmitting the transaction.
GAS_PRICE_TOO_LOW_FOR_RBFThe transaction failed because the specified gas price was too low for Replace-by-Fee (RBF). Resubmit the RBF transaction with a gas price at least 15% higher than the original transaction's gas price.
INCOMPLETE_USER_SETUPThe transaction failed because the transaction's initiator did not complete their MPC key setup. Make sure that both the workspace Owner and the signer for this transaction have completed their MPC setup before resubmitting the transaction.
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSThe transaction failed because the vault account does not have enough funds to fulfill the withdrawal request.
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_FOR_FEEThe transaction failed because the vault account does not have enough funds for the requested fee. Fees for token transfers (e.g., USDC) are paid in the base asset (e.g., ETH) from the same vault account as the transaction source.
INTEGRATION_SUSPENDEDThe transaction failed due to Fireblocks Support deactivating an exchange integration.
INVALID_ADDRESSThe transaction failed because the destination is an unsupported format for a one-time address. Verify the address format matches the asset and blockchain before resubmitting the transaction.
INVALID_CONTRACT_CALL_DATAThe transaction failed because its data was not encoded properly. Typically, this occurs due to an internal error or an error made when using the Raw Signing feature. Confirm the contract call and raw signing data have been encoded correctly before resubmitting this transaction. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
INVALID_FEE_PARAMSThe transaction failed due to inconsistent or unknown fee parameters. Confirm all fee parameters were entered correctly for the specified blockchain.
INVALID_NONCE_FOR_RBFThe replacement transaction failed because Fireblocks did not find a matching pending transaction. Confirm the status of the original transaction before resubmitting this RBF transaction. RBF transactions can only be used with transactions that are not Failed or Confirmed. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
INVALID_TAG_OR_MEMOThe transaction failed due to an invalid destination tag or memo, which some assets require. Resubmit this transaction with the correct destination tag or memo for the selected asset type.
INVALID_UNMANAGED_WALLETThe transaction failed because the associated internal whitelisted wallet was removed or nonexistent. Verify the entered Wallet ID is correct. If the wallet does not exist, create and approve the wallet and address before resubmitting the transaction.
MAX_FEE_EXCEEDEDThe transaction failed because current network gas prices are above the specified maximum fee. Verify all fee parameters are set to current rates before resubmitting the transaction.
MISSING_TAG_OR_MEMOThe transaction failed due to a missing destination tag or memo, which some assets require. Resubmit this transaction with the correct destination tag or memo for the selected asset type.
NEED_MORE_TO_CREATE_DESTINATIONThe transaction failed due to insufficient funds for creating the destination account. Confirm the transaction amount is above the minimum requirement before resubmitting this transaction. Only the Polkadot, Kusama, and Westend (testnet) blockchains have this limitation.
NO_MORE_PREPROCESSED_INDEXESThis substatus only applies to outgoing transactions sent from Cold Wallet workspaces. It indicates that the Cold Wallet device has used all available signatures for signing. Use another existing device or provision a new signing device for your workspace.
NON_EXISTING_ACCOUNT_NAMEThe transaction failed because the destination address cannot be validated. This only applies to whitelisted addresses, exchange account addresses, or one-time addresses on the EOS, NEAR, and Stellar networks. Verify that the destination address is correct before resubmitting this transaction. For some exchanges, you may need to generate a deposit address manually in the exchange's account settings.
RAW_MSG_EMPTY_OR_INVALIDThe raw signing transaction failed due to incorrect raw data. Validate the raw data before resubmitting this transaction.
RAW_MSG_LEN_INVALIDThe raw signing transaction failed due to incorrect raw data or the message length parameter that applies to ECDSA signing being incorrect. Validate the raw data and ECDSA signature parameters before resubmitting this transaction.
TOO_MANY_INPUTSThe transaction failed because the maximum number of UTXO inputs exceeded the requested amount. This only applies to the Bitcoin and Cardano blockchains.
TX_SIZE_EXCEEDED_MAXThe TX_SIZE_EXCEEDED_MAX substatus indicates the transaction failed because the transaction exceeded the allowed amount. This only applies to transactions on the Cardano blockchain.
UNAUTHORISED_DEVICEThe transaction failed because an unauthorized device was used to initiate, approve, or sign it. Confirm the approving and signing devices have the latest version of the Fireblocks mobile app before resubmitting this transaction.
UNAUTHORISED_USERThe transaction failed due to an unauthorized user attempting to initiate or approve it. This may occur if a user's setup is incomplete or a user was disabled before the transaction was completed. Confirm that all relevant users have completed their mobile setup and are using the latest version of the Fireblocks mobile app before resubmitting this transaction.
UNALLOWED_RAW_PARAM_COMBINATIONThe raw signing transaction failed due to incorrect raw data parameters. Validate the raw data parameters before resubmitting this transaction.
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATIONThe transaction failed because Fireblocks or a third-party service does not currently support the specified operation. Check the status page for the third-party service if available and the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
UNSUPPORTED_TRANSACTION_TYPEThe transaction failed due to either an API error or an internal system error. Confirm that the operation parameter is set to transfer or another value, then determine whether the specified parameters match the operation type.
ZERO_BALANCE_IN_PERMANENT_ADDRESSThe transaction failed due to the permanent address not holding enough Omni. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.

MPC issues

Status CodeDescription
OUT_OF_DATE_SIGNING_KEYSThe transaction failed because the signer's key share must be updated to the MPC-CMP protocol. Learn more about updating any device to MPC-CMP in the Fireblocks help center.

Fireblocks system issues

Status CodeDescription
CONNECTIVITY_ERRORThe transaction failed due to an internal network error. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
ERROR_ASYNC_TX_IN_FLIGHTThe transaction failed due to a Fireblocks internal error during processing. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
INTERNAL_ERRORThe transaction failed due to a Fireblocks internal error during processing. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
INVALID_NONCE_TOO_HIGHThe transaction failed because the Fireblocks system selected a nonce that is too high, creating a gap between the last transaction and this one. As a result, this transaction cannot be processed until the gap is filled. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
INVALID_NONCE_TOO_LOWThe transaction failed because the Fireblocks system assigned an illegal nonce. The nonce chosen for this transaction already belongs to a transaction that was previously confirmed on this account. This may occur when an RBF or drop transaction is used to replace a pending transaction that was completed before being replaced. If this transaction references another transaction, confirm the status of both transactions before resubmitting.
INVALID_ROUTING_DESTINATIONThe transaction failed because the Fireblocks system could not identify a valid destination. This status is specific to Fireblocks Network transactions. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
LOCKING_NONCE_ACCOUNT_TIMEOUTThe transaction failed because the transaction request timed out due to an internal error. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
NETWORK_ROUTING_MISMATCHThe transaction failed because a valid routing destination couldn’t be identified by the Fireblocks Network. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
NONCE_ALLOCATION_FAILEDThe transaction failed because the transaction could not be created due to an internal error. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTSThe transaction failed due to a Fireblocks internal error during processing. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
SIGNER_NOT_FOUNDThe transaction failed because no signer was found for it. This transaction likely failed because the signer designated in the Transaction Authorization Policy (TAP) does not have an MPC signing device setup, or the designated signer is no longer active in your workspace. Make sure the designated signer is available and has completed their MPC device setup before resubmitting this transaction.
SIGNING_ERRORThe transaction failed due to an internal error during the MPC signing process. The transaction signer should make sure their Fireblocks mobile app is updated to the latest version before resubmitting this transaction.
TIMEOUTThe transaction failed because the transaction request timed out due to an internal error or because it was not approved or signed within the expiration window. If approval and signing were completed in the correct time period, check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
TX_OUTDATEDThe transaction failed because the nonce set for this transaction by the Fireblocks system was used by another transaction. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
UNKNOWN_ERRORThe transaction failed due to an unexpected error in the Fireblocks system. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPEThe transaction failed due to a Fireblocks internal error during processing. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
VAULT_WALLET_NOT_READYThe transaction failed because the asset wallet in the specified vault account was not available for the transaction. This status usually occurs after creating multiple asset wallets in the same vault account at once. Activate the asset wallet before resubmitting this transaction.

Third-party account issues

Status CodeDescription
ADDRESS_NOT_WHITELISTEDThe transaction failed due to it attempting to withdraw funds from an exchange to a non-whitelisted destination address.
API_KEY_MISMATCHThe transaction failed due to the third-party account API connectivity information no longer being accurate. Confirm that the API Key, API Secret, and other parameters are valid according to your third-party account portal, then delete and re-add the third-party account to your Fireblocks workspace before resubmitting this transaction.
ASSET_NOT_ENABLED_ON_DESTINATIONThe transaction failed due to the asset type requiring manual enablement at a third-party destination, such as an exchange.
DEST_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe transaction failed because the transaction from a third-party account to the selected destination is not supported. This substatus currently only applies to withdrawals from a Paxos exchange account to a one-time address. To ensure a withdrawal transaction from Paxos completes, use a whitelisted address instead of a one-time address.
EXCEEDED_DECIMAL_PRECISIONThe transaction failed due to a third-party service not supporting the same amount of decimal digits for a transaction amount as Fireblocks. The exchange or fiat connection may then report an error that the amount is not supported. Re-submit the transaction with fewer decimals in the transaction amount. Currently, this issue most commonly occurs with Coinbase, Coinbase Pro, and
EXCHANGE_CONFIGURATION_MISMATCHThe transaction failed because the associated exchange integration is temporarily unavailable. Check the Fireblocks Status page for additional information. Contact Fireblocks Support to resolve this issue. Resubmitting the transaction without Fireblocks Support will result in a failed transaction.
EXCHANGE_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLEThe transaction failed because the associated exchange integration is temporarily unavailable. Contact Fireblocks Support to resolve this issue. Resubmitting the transaction without Fireblocks Support will result in a failed transaction.
INVALID_EXCHANGE_ACCOUNTThe transaction failed due to the associated exchange account being disabled or nonexistent.
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWEDThe transaction failed because the associated exchange integration is temporarily unavailable. Contact Fireblocks Support to resolve this issue. Resubmitting the transaction without Fireblocks Support will result in a failed transaction.
NON_EXISTENT_AUTO_ACCOUNTThe transaction failed due to the third-party account configuration being incorrect in your Fireblocks workspace. Currently, this only occurs with Paxos exchange accounts. Verify the third-party account is configured correctly. If needed, delete the account from your Fireblocks workspace, add it again, and then resubmit this transaction.
ON_PREMISE_CONNECTIVITY_ERRORThis substatus only applies to transactions using the Fireblocks On-Prem Exchange Service (FOPES). This substatus indicates Fireblocks could not retrieve the third-party account's details due to a connectivity error with FOPES.
PEER_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe transaction failed because one of the following third-party account details is incorrect: this is a sub-account and this sub-account name no longer exists on your third-party account, or your Fireblocks Network settings that were previously directed to this account have been deleted. Verify your third-party sub-account configuration or Fireblocks Network settings before resubmitting this transaction.
THIRD_PARTY_MISSING_ACCOUNTThe transaction failed due to incorrect third-party account configuration in your Fireblocks workspace. Currently, this substatus only occurs with the Zodia Fireblocks Network account. Verify that the third-party account is configured correctly. If needed, delete the account connection from your Fireblocks workspace, add it again, and then resubmit this transaction.
UNAUTHORISED_IP_WHITELISTINGThe transaction failed due to the third-party account being misconfigured. The third-party account requires whitelisting a Fireblocks IP address and that information is currently incorrect or missing. Delete the third-party account from your workspace, add it again using the correct Fireblocks IP address, and then resubmit this transaction.
UNAUTHORISED_MISSING_CREDENTIALSThe transaction failed due to missing credentials from a third-party service, such as an exchange.
UNAUTHORISED_MISSING_PERMISSIONThe transaction failed due to a missing third-party service’s API permission, such as an exchange’s API.
UNAUTHORISED_OTP_FAILEDThe transaction failed due to incorrect third-party account configuration. The third-party account requires specifying a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) registration code, and a wrong code was entered during the third-party account configuration. Delete the third-party account from your workspace, add it again using the correct 2FA details, and then resubmit this transaction.
WITHDRAW_LIMITThe transaction failed due to it exceeding the exchange's withdrawal limit.

Third-party system issues

Status CodeDescription
3RD_PARTY_FAILEDThe transaction failed with a third-party service, such as an exchange. Check the status page for the third-party service and the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
API_CALL_LIMITThe transaction failed because it exceeded the API call limit of a third-party service, such as an exchange. Wait a few seconds before making more API calls. API call limits vary between different exchanges. Make sure to follow each exchange’s published limits to avoid failed transactions.
API_INVALID_SIGNATUREThe transaction failed due to a third-party service’s API, such as an exchange’s API, providing an invalid signature. If this issue occurs more than once, delete the exchange account from your Fireblocks workspace and then connect it again. This may require generating a new API key and API secret from your exchange account settings.
CANCELLED_EXTERNALLYThe transaction failed due to being canceled by the third-party service associated with the transaction's source address. Contact the third-party service with the transaction details to determine the issue.
FAILED_AML_SCREENINGThe transaction failed Anti-Money Laundering (AML) screening due to the AML service provider not communicating their results.
INVALID_FEEThe transaction failed because there is an insufficient balance in the exchange account of the asset required for the withdrawal and transaction fees. Withdrawal and transaction fees from exchange accounts are calculated after a transaction is submitted. Review the exchange’s withdrawal fee policy, and then verify there is a sufficient balance in the account for all fees before resubmitting this transaction.
INVALID_THIRD_PARTY_RESPONSEThe transaction failed due to Fireblocks receiving an unrecognized or invalid response from a third-party service, such as an exchange. If this issue occurs repeatedly, delete the exchange account from your Fireblocks workspace and then reconnect it. This may require generating a new API key and API secret from your exchange account settings. Resubmit the transaction after reconnecting the exchange account.
MANUAL_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS_REQUIREDThe transaction failed due to Fireblocks encountering an error while retrieving a deposit address from an exchange. Manually generate a deposit address for the selected asset from your exchange account settings. Resubmit the transaction using that address.
MISSING_DEPOSIT ADDRESSThe transaction failed because Fireblocks was unable to retrieve a deposit address from the exchange. Verify the deposit address is accurate, then resubmit the transaction. If this issue occurs repeatedly, delete the exchange account from your Fireblocks workspace and then reconnect it. This may require generating a new API key and API secret from your exchange account settings. Resubmit the transaction after reconnecting the exchange account.
NO_DEPOSIT_ADDRESSThe transaction failed because the deposit address was unavailable or had not been created on a third-party service, such as an exchange. Verify the deposit address is accurate, then resubmit the transaction. If this issue occurs repeatedly, delete the exchange account from your Fireblocks workspace and then reconnect it. This may require generating a new API key and API secret from your exchange account settings. Resubmit the transaction after reconnecting the exchange account.
SUB_ACCOUNTS_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe transaction failed because this exchange integration doesn't support transactions between main and sub-accounts or between different sub-accounts. You can only create transactions in Fireblocks to or from this exchange's main account. Use your exchange account portal to transact with this sub-account.
SPEND_COINBASE_TOO_EARLYThe transaction failed because the assets you are trying to withdraw from your Coinbase exchange account have not reached the minimum number of blockchain confirmations. You can withdraw the assets after they receive the required number of confirmations
THIRD_PARTY_INTERNAL_ERRORThe transaction failed due to Fireblocks receiving an internal error response from a third-party service, such as an exchange. This error is most commonly associated with Binance. Check the status page for the third-party service and the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
TX_ID_NOT_ACCEPTED_BY_THIRD_PARTYThe transaction failed due to an unexpected error that occurred when trying to resolve the destination address through the Zodia registry. Contact Zodia Support for assistance if the transaction fails repeatedly with this substatus.
UNSUPPORTED_ASSETThe transaction failed because the specified asset is not supported by a third-party service, such as an exchange. Confirm the asset is available and enabled in your exchange account settings. Then, submit a transaction with a lower asset amount.

Blockchain issues

Status CodeDescription
DOUBLE_SPENDINGThe transaction failed due to the blockchain determining a transaction with a duplicate hash exists in the mempool. This could be caused by a Fireblocks internal error or by another user signing with the full private key outside of Fireblocks. This is only relevant for UTXO-based blockchain transactions. Only the initial transaction is processed in this case. Check the status of the initial transaction in your transaction history for any issues. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
DROPPED_BY_BLOCKCHAINThe transaction failed because it was replaced on the blockchain by another transaction with a higher fee. Confirm the status of the replacement "drop" transaction. If the RBF transaction is complete, there is no need to resubmit the transaction. The funds and fees from this transaction are returned to the transaction's source account.
INSUFFICIENT_RESERVED_FUNDINGThe transaction failed because a minimum amount of the selected asset must remain in the asset wallet at all times. Currently, this only applies to the Polkadot and Westend (Polkadot testnet) blockchains. Resubmit the transaction with an amount that leaves at least one DOT in the source account.
INVALID_SIGNATUREThe transaction failed because the blockchain rejected it due to an invalid signature. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
PARTIALLY_FAILEDOne or more aggregated transactions submitted as a single operation have failed. Note that aggregated transactions are submitted to the blockchain network individually and can be partially or fully completed or fail. Confirm the status and substatus of each aggregated transaction, and determine the issue for each to find a resolution.
POWERUP_SUGGESTION_FAILUREThe transaction failed due to a Fireblocks internal error during the processing of transaction fees on the EOS blockchain. Check the Fireblocks Status page for ongoing service disruptions on the EOS blockchain. If there are none, resubmit your transaction.
REACHED_MEMPOOL_LIMIT_FOR_ACCOUNTThis substatus only occurs with transactions on the Tezos blockchain. The blockchain's mempool does not allow more than one active transaction from an account. Therefore, if one transaction from that source vault account already exists in the mempool, all other transactions that are pending blockchain confirmations will be rejected. Wait until all previous Tezos transactions from the same vault account have been completed or failed before sending another transaction from that same source vault account.
REJECTED_BY_BLOCKCHAINThe transaction failed due to being rejected by the blockchain or the EOS node. Typically, transactions are rejected by the blockchain when the selected fee is significantly lower than the current average rate. Resubmit this transaction with a higher fee, or check blockchain network activity and resubmit when the network is less active.
SMART_CONTRACT_EXECUTION_FAILEDThis error occurs when the transaction reverts due to a smart contract error. Check the transaction's errorDescription field for the specific reversion reason.
TOO_LONG_MEMPOOL_CHAINThe transaction failed because there are too many unconfirmed transactions pending from an address. Wait for unconfirmed transactions from the same vault account to be confirmed before resubmitting this transaction. If this issue persists, consider using multiple vault accounts to distribute activity.