Get asset addresses


  • If your application logic or scripts rely on the deprecated endpoint, you should update to account for GET/V1/vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses_paginated before Mar 31,2024.
  • All workspaces created after Mar 31,2024. will have it disabled. If it is disabled for your workspace and you attempt to use it, you will receive the following error message: "This endpoint is unavailable.
  • Please use the GET /v1/vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses_paginated endpoint to return all the wallet addresses associated with the specified vault account and asset in a paginated list.


  • If your application logic or scripts rely on the deprecated endpoint, update to the new paginated endpoint: GET/V1/vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses_paginated. This returns all the wallet addresses associated with the specified vault account and asset in a paginated list.
  • All workspaces created after March 31, 2024, have it disabled. Using this endpoint in a workspace where it is disabled returns the following error message: "This endpoint is unavailable."