Off Exchange Webhooks

Settlement Created

A notification is sent when a new settlement is initiated in the workspace.

tenantIdstringUnique ID of your Fireblocks workspace.
timestampnumberTimestamp in milliseconds.
datasettlementDetailsSettlement details.


collateralAccountIdstringThe collateral account ID.
settlementIdstringUnique settlement ID provided by Fireblocks.
isForceSettlementbooleanA flag or condition that indicates whether a settlement should be forcibly executed, overriding normal settlement procedures.
toExchangedata [array]All settlement transaction details are required to be sent to the exchange.
toCollateraldata [array]All settlement transaction details are required to be sent to the collateral account.


txIdstringThe transaction ID (within the main workspace).
assetIdstringThe ID of the transaction's asset, applicable to TRANSFER, MINT, BURN, or ENABLE_ASSET operations. For a list of supported assets and their corresponding IDs, please refer here.
amountstringThe actual amount requested for transfer.


txIdstringThe transaction ID (within the main workspace).
assetIdstringThe ID of the transaction's asset, applicable to TRANSFER, MINT, BURN, or ENABLE_ASSET operations. For a list of supported assets and their corresponding IDs, please refer here .
amountstringThe actual amount requested for transfer.

Sample Payload

	"tenantId": "your-tenant-id", (main tenant Id)
	"timestamp": 1633036800000,
	"settlementDetails": {
		"collateralAccountId": "collateral-account-id", COLLATERAL Account ID (not collateral ID)
		"settlementId": "settlement-id",
		"isForceSettlement": false,
		"toExchange": [
		"txId": "transaction-id-1",
	 	"assetId": "asset-id-1",
	 	"amount": "1000",
	"toCollateral": [
    "txId": "transaction-id-2",
    "assetId": "asset-id-2",
    "amount": "500",