Unstake & Withdraw


Unstake your position - For Solana and MATIC, you must create and sign an unstake transaction before you can withdraw your funds. For ETH, you can proceed to the next step.

const unstakeRequest = await fireblocks.executeStakingUnstake(
  "SOL", {  
		id: positionId,  
    txNote: "unstake 100 SOL from vaultId 1, 24 Jan 2024"  

const position = await fireblocks.getPosition(positionId);

// Retrieve the ongoing txId by finding the only uncompleted transaction  
const txId = position.relatedTransactions.find((tx) => !tx.completed)

// .. sign it


Withdraw your staking position - to retrieve your funds, you must execute a withdrawal. For Solana and MATIC, the process is the same as unstaking. For Ethereum, you execute an API call with no signing needed.

const unstakeRequest = await fireblocks.executeStakingWithdraw(
  "SOL", {  
		id: positionId,  
		txNote: "withdraw 100 SOL from vaultId 1, 24 Jan 2024"  

// In Ethereum case you are done here (:

const position = await fireblocks.getPosition(positionId);

// Retrieve the ongoing txId by finding the only uncompleted transaction  
const txId = position.relatedTransactions.find((tx) => !tx.completed)

// .. sign it