Developer Sandbox Quickstart Guide


Are you in the right place?

This guide is only for Developer Sandbox workspaces. If you have a Testnet or Mainnet workspace type, follow the Quickstart Guide for relevant instructions.

A developer sandbox should have the following badge in the Console:


The Fireblocks Developer Sandbox is a unique workspace built specifically for developers to get started using Fireblocks APIs and SDKs quickly. In the Developer Sandbox, basic default settings are pre-set to optimize the speed of exploration over other parameters, including:

  1. A Testnet-only workspace: Explore the platform without risking real funds. You can find a complete list of supported blockchain testnets in this Help Center article.
  2. An automated API co-signer: No need for mobile or API signing devices.
  3. A predefined Transaction Authorization Policy: Start creating basic transactions and working with smart contracts quickly with minimal friction.
  4. API activated by default: Make test API calls immediately.
  5. Basic Fireblocks console features are activated by default: Streamline your testing.
  6. Easier developer onboarding and API key creation: Get started within minutes.
  7. Pre-funded wallet with a small amount of Goerli ETH: No need to hunt for working public faucets.

Initial setup

To interact with the Fireblocks API, you will need an API key and a Private key. These keys are used to compile a JWT for authentication.

When you first log in, you should see a 3-step wizard to create your first API user and keys. The keys are generated in the UI for convenience (only for the Developer Sandbox workspace type; other workspace types allow for more secure options).

You can also create additional API users and keys by going to the Developers area in the bottom-left and clicking on the Add API User button in the top-right corner. Please note that Sandboxes are limited to a maximum of five API users.

By choosing "Automatic CSR" in the form, the Fireblocks UI can generate one for convenience. You can also choose "Custom CSR" for a more secure option to upload your own.

Try the Fireblocks API 🚀

Now you're ready to try the Fireblocks API using one of the Fireblocks SDKs, or the REST endpoints directly.


Sandbox URLs

Developer Console UI:

Sandbox API:

Get started using our SDKs or REST API endpoints in minutes with our Postman guide.