AWS Nitro API Co-signer Maintenance

Note: You must have root privileges on the Co-signer machine to perform maintenance operations. Ensure you are logged in as a root user or use sudo to execute the commands.

View the logs

You can export the logs to a file in the local directory, tagged with the current date and time, by running the following command:

./cosigner logs

Append a number to the command to retrieve the specified most recent amount of lines.

The Co-signer's logs are saved on the EC2 instance in the following file location: /var/log/customer_cosigner.log

The log policy is as follows:

 <appender name="log_file" class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">
   <rollingPolicy class="org.apache.log4j.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
     <param name="FileNamePattern"
     <param name="activeFileName" value="log/customer_cosigner.log"/>
   <param name="File" value="log/customer_cosigner.log"/>
   <param name="Fppend" value="true"/>
   <param name="MaxFileSize" value="4MB"/>
   <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="2"/>
   <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
   <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%X{proc}:%X{tid} %p
   %d{dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS} %l %C::%M- %m Context=%X{context}%n" />

Observe the status

You can observe the Co-signer's status by running the following command from the EC2 instance:

./fireblocks/cosigner get-status

It should return an output similar to the following:

[root@ip-x-x-x-x ~]# ./fireblocks/cosigner get-status
 ========= Cosigner Status =========
 Enclave Name: cosigner
 Enclave ID: i-0b11aeabc7d3bee3d-enc190641e6f0ce80a
 Process ID: 377331
 Enclave State: RUNNING
 Service State: ACTIVE
 Latest Service Messages:------------------------
 Jun 29 13:10:41[377329]:
 Jun 29 13:10:41[377329]:
 Jun 29 13:10:41[377329]: ],
 Jun 29 13:10:41[377329]:
 "MemoryMiB": 4096
 Jun 29 13:10:41[377329]: }

If you get anything other than ACTIVE in the "Service State" field, there’s a problem. Contact Fireblocks support and attach the Co-signer’s logs so we can investigate.

List the paired API users

You can list all API users paired with the Co-signer across the connected workspaces by running the following command:

./cosigner list-users

The output will display a list of all API users paired with your Co-Signer, including the workspace name they are connected to, the API user's ID (its API key), and the associated Callback Handler server URL (if applicable).

Retrieve the public key

You can retrieve the Co-signer's public key, used by your optional Callback Handler server to authenticate requests from the Co-signer, by running the following command:

./cosigner print-public-key

Stop the Co-signer

You can stop the Co-signer by running the command:

./cosigner stop

Start the Co-Signer

You can Start the Co-signer by running the command:

./cosigner start

Restart the Co-Signer

You can restart the Co-signer by running the command:

./cosigner restart

Update the Co-signer

Retrieve the URL of the AWS Nitro installation package from the Console and use the wget command to download the package directly to the EC2 machine. Paste the appropriate URL into the following command:

wget -O nitro-cosigner.tar.gz "URL"

Note: If you have any issues with finding the installation package URL, please contact Fireblocks Support.

Unpack the installation package by running the following command:

tar -xzf nitro-cosigner.tar.gz

Now stop the Co-signer run the following commands to stop the Co-signer service and update it by forcing a new installation, overwriting the existing one:

systemctl stop cosigner
./ --force

The script will prompt for the following parameters:

  • Pairing token
  • S3 bucket
  • ARN of the CMK

Use the same settings that were used to install the existing running version. These settings can be found in the file /opt/fireblocks/env.txt, where they are labeled as follows:


It will take about a minute to reinstall, and then the Co-signer will load using the new version.

Migrate to a new machine

Note: Since the logs are saved to the EC2 instance, you might want to save them before terminating the machine.

Throughout the migration process, refer to the AWS Nitro Co-signer installation guide, as some operations are identical.

Follow these steps to migrate the Co-signer to a new EC2 machine:

  1. Set up a new EC2 Nitro-capable instance.
  2. Download the installation package to the new instance.
  3. Create a new API user that will be used to connect to the new Co-signer instance.
  4. Stop the running Co-signer operation by executing the command systemctl stop cosigner on the existing EC2.
  5. Run the installation script and provide the same S3 bucket and CMK values when prompted to enter parameters during the installation.

Configure a proxy server

By default, the Co-signer is configured to communicate directly with Fireblocks SaaS without using a proxy server. Since the Co-signer uses certificate pinning for secure communication with Fireblocks SaaS, only a transparent proxy can be used between the Co-signer and Fireblocks SaaS.

To configure a proxy server, add the key value HTTPS_PROXY="URL" as an environment variable to the following file:


 HTTPS_PROXY="URL" # Replace URL with your transparent proxy server

Changing the proxy server settings requires restarting the Co-signer. Run this command to restart it:

systemctl restart cosigner

Configure the communication protocol

By default, the Co-signer is configured to use WebSocket to communicate with Fireblocks SaaS. You can switch to HTTPS Long Polling by turning WebSocket off.

To turn WebSocket off, add the key value WEBSOCKET=0 as an environment variable to the following file:


 WEBSOCKET=1 # Use WebSocket
 WEBSOCKET=0 # Use HTTPS Long Polling

Switching between the communication modes requires restarting the Co-signer. Run this command to restart it:

systemctl restart cosigner